Category: Beginners

  • 31 Counting

    Counting from 1 to 100 is an essential skill that every child must learn. It is the foundation of learning mathematics and is a crucial life skill. In this course, we will cover the basics of counting from 1 to 100 and provide tips and tricks to make it easier for children to learn.

    Lesson 1: Introduction to Counting
    – In this lesson, we will introduce the concept of counting and explain why it is important. We will also cover the basic rules of counting, such as starting from 1 and counting in sequence.

    Lesson 2: Counting from 1 to 10
    – In this lesson, we will focus on counting from 1 to 10. We will teach children how to recognize each number and count them in order. We will use visual aids such as number charts and flashcards to make it easier for children to learn.

    1 – one
    2 – two
    3 – three
    4 – four
    5 – five
    6 – six
    7 – seven
    8 – eight
    9 – nine
    10 – ten

    Lesson 3: Counting from 11 to 20
    – In this lesson, we will move on to counting from 11 to 20. We will teach children how to recognize these numbers and count them in sequence. We will also introduce the concept of “teen” numbers and explain why they are different from other numbers.

    11 – eleven

    12 – twelve

    13 – thirteen

    14 – fourteen

    15 – fifteen

    16 – sixteen

    17 – seventeen

    18 – eighteen

    19 – nineteen

    20 – twenty

    Lesson 4: Counting by Tens
    – In this lesson, we will teach children how to count by tens up to 100. We will use visual aids such as number grids and skip-counting songs to make it easier for children to learn.

    10 – ten

    20 – twenty

    30 – thirty

    40 – forty

    50 – fifty

    60 – sixty

    70 – seventy

    80 – eighty

    90 – ninety

    100 – one hundred

    Lesson 5: Counting from 21 to 100
    – In this lesson, we will focus on counting from 21 to 100. We will teach children how to recognize each number and count them in order. We will also introduce the concept of “one hundred” and explain its significance.

    21 – twenty-one
    22 – twenty-two
    23 – twenty-three
    24 – twenty-four
    25 – twenty-five
    26 – twenty-six
    27 – twenty-seven
    28 – twenty-eight
    29 – twenty-nine
    30 – thirty

    31 – thirty-one
    32 – thirty-two
    33 – thirty-three
    34 – thirty-four
    35 – thirty-five
    36 – thirty-six
    37 – thirty-seven
    38 – thirty-eight
    39 – thirty-nine
    40 – forty

    41 – forty-one
    42 – forty-two
    43 – forty-three
    44 – forty-four
    45 – forty-five
    46 – forty-six
    47 – forty-seven
    48 – forty-eight
    49 – forty-nine
    50 – fifty

    51 – fifty-one
    52 – fifty-two
    53 – fifty-three
    54 – fifty-four
    55 – fifty-five
    56 – fifty-six
    57 – fifty-seven
    58 – fifty-eight
    59 – fifty-nine
    60 – sixty

    61 – sixty-one
    62 – sixty-two
    63 – sixty-three
    64 – sixty-four
    65 – sixty-five
    66 – sixty-six
    67 – sixty-seven
    68 – sixty-eight
    69 – sixty-nine
    70 – seventy

    71 – seventy-one
    72 – seventy-two
    73 – seventy-three
    74 – seventy-four
    75 – seventy-five
    76 – seventy-six
    77 – seventy-seven
    78 – seventy-eight
    79 – seventy-nine
    80 – eighty

    81 – eighty-one
    82 – eighty-two
    83 – eighty-three
    84 – eighty-four
    85 – eighty-five
    86 – eighty-six
    87 – eighty-seven
    88 – eighty-eight
    89 – eighty-nine
    90 – ninety

    91 – ninety-one
    92 – ninety-two
    93 – ninety-three
    94 – ninety-four
    95 – ninety-five
    96 – ninety-six
    97 – ninety-seven
    98 – ninety-eight
    99 – ninety-nine
    100 – one hundred

    Lesson 6: Review and Practice
    – In this final lesson, we will review all the concepts covered in the previous lessons. We will provide practice exercises and games to help children reinforce their learning.

    By the end of this course, children should be able to count from 1 to 100 with ease. They will have a solid foundation in mathematics and be better prepared for more advanced concepts such as addition and subtraction.

  • 11 Telling the time

    មាន វិធី ចម្បង ពីរ ដើម្បី បង្ហាញ ពេល វេលា ។ ទី១ គឺប្រព័ន្ធ   ១២ម៉ោង  ដែលប្រើប្រាស់  AM និង PM អនុវត្តតាមប្រព័ន្ធ ២៤ម៉ោង។  

    ប្រទេស ភាគ ច្រើន ចូល ចិត្ត វិធី សាស្ត្រ 24 ម៉ោង ប៉ុន្តែ 12 ម៉ោង ត្រូវ បាន ប្រើប្រាស់ យ៉ាង ទូលំទូលាយ នៅ អាមេរិក ឡាទីន និង ប្រទេស ដែល និយាយ ភាសា អង់គ្លេស ។ ក្នុងវិធីសាស្ត្រ ១២ម៉ោង ក្នុងមួយថ្ងៃ ២ដង នៅម៉ោងពាក់កណ្តាលអាធ្រាត្រ (AM) និងថ្ងៃត្រង់ (PM) គឺ ១២:០០។

    តារាង ខាង ក្រោម នេះ បង្ហាញ ពី ការ ប្ដូរ រវាង ប្រព័ន្ធ ១២ ម៉ោង និង ប្រព័ន្ធ ២៤ ម៉ោង៖

    របៀប 12 ម៉ោងChế độ 24 giờ
    12:00 AM00:00
    01:00 AM01:00
    02:00 AM02:00
    03:00 AM03:00
    04:00 AM04:00
    05:00 AM05:00
    06:00 AM06:00
    07:00 AM07:00
    08:00 AM08:00
    09:00 AM09:00
    10:00 AM10:00
    11:00 AM11:00
    12:00 PM12:00
    01:00 PM13:00
    02:00 PM14:00
    03:00 PM15:00
    04:00 PM16:00
    05:00 PM17:00
    06:00 PM18:00
    07:00 PM19:00
    08:00 PM20:00
    09:00 PM21:00
    10:00 PM22:00
    11:00 PM23:00

    របៀប 12 ម៉ោង

    មួយ ថ្ងៃ ត្រូវ បាន បែង ចែក ជា ពីរ ១២ ម៉ោង គឺ ចាប់ ពី ពាក់ កណ្ដាល អធ្រាត្រ ដល់ ថ្ងៃ ត្រង់ (ម៉ោង ព្រឹក) និង ពី ថ្ងៃ ត្រង់ រហូត ដល់ ពាក់ កណ្តាល យប់ (ម៉ោង រសៀល)។

    Abbreviations AM និង PM ពីឡាតាំង៖

    1. ព្រឹក៖ នូ ន ខ្សែ Antko មុន ពេល ថ្ងៃត្រង់
    2. រសៀល ៖ ក្រោយ ពី  សម្រាល ប្រុសៗ ក្រោយ ពេល ថ្ងៃត្រង់

    របៀប 24 ម៉ោង

    មួយ ថ្ងៃ ពី ពាក់ កណ្តាល អធ្រាត្រ ដល់ ពាក់ កណ្តាល អធ្រាត្រ បាន ចែក ជា ២៤ ម៉ោង ពី ០ (កណ្តាល យប់) ដល់ ២៣។ គិត ត្រឹម ពាក់ កណ្តាល អធ្រាត្រ ពេល វេលា ត្រូវ បាន បង្ហាញ ក្នុង រយៈ ពេល ជា ច្រើន ម៉ោង និង នាទី ។

    ប្តូរពី របៀប 12 ម៉ោង ទៅ 24 ម៉ោង របៀប

    ចាប់ផ្តើមពីម៉ោងដំបូងនៃថ្ងៃ (ម៉ោង ១២:០០ ព្រឹក ឬពាក់កណ្តាលអធ្រាត្រ ដល់ម៉ោង ១២:៥៩ ព្រឹក) លើកលែងតែ ១២ម៉ោង៖

    1. ម៉ោង ១២:០០ ព្រឹក = ម៉ោង ០:០០ ព្រឹក
    2. ម៉ោង១២:១៥នាទី = ម៉ោង០:១៥នាទី

    ចាប់ពីម៉ោង 1:00 ព្រឹក ដល់ ម៉ោង 12:59 ល្ងាច ម៉ោង និង នាទី នៅតែ ដដែល ៖

    1. ម៉ោង ៩:០០ ព្រឹក = ម៉ោង ៩:០០ ព្រឹក
    2. ម៉ោង 12:59pm = 12:59

    រយះពេលពីម៉ោង ១:០០ ដល់ ១១:៥៩ នាទីល្ងាច សូមបន្ថែម ១២ម៉ោង៖

    1. 3:17 pm = 15:17
    2. ម៉ោង 11:59pm = 23:59

    ប្តូរពី របៀប 24 ម៉ោង ទៅ 12 ម៉ោង របៀប

    ចាប់ផ្តើមពីម៉ោងដំបូងនៃថ្ងៃ (0:00/midnight to 0:59), បន្ថែម 12 ម៉ោងនិង AM ដល់ពេល:

    1. 0:30 = 12:30 am
    2. 0:55 = 12:55 ព្រឹក

    ពី 1:00 ដល់ 11:59, គ្រាន់តែបន្ថែម AM ដល់ពេល:

    1. 2:25 = 2:25 ព្រឹក
    2. ម៉ោង ៩:៣០ ព្រឹក = ម៉ោង ៩:៣០ ព្រឹក

    សម្រាប់ពេលវេលារវាង 12:00 និង 12:59 គ្រាន់តែបន្ថែម PM ដល់ពេល:

    1. ម៉ោង១២:១៥ = ម៉ោង១២:១៥នាទី
    2. 12:48 = 12:48 pm

    រយៈពេលចាប់ពី 13:00 ដល់ 23:59, រ៉ាប់រង 12 ម៉ោង និងបន្ថែម PM ដល់ពេល:

    1. 16:55 = 4:55 pm
    2. 21:45 = 9:45 pm
  • 11 Telling the time

    Có hai cách chính để hiển thị thời gian. Đầu tiên là  hệ thống 12 giờ  sử  dụng AMPM, tiếp theo là hệ thống 24 giờ.

    Hầu hết các quốc gia thích phương pháp 24 giờ, nhưng 12 giờ được sử dụng rộng rãi ở Mỹ Latinh và các nước nói tiếng Anh. Trong phương pháp 12 giờ, hai lần một ngày vào nửa đêm (AM) và buổi trưa (PM) là 12:00.

    Bảng sau hiển thị chuyển đổi giữa hệ thống 12 giờ và hệ thống 24 giờ:

    Chế độ 12 giờChế độ 24 giờ
    12:00 AM00:00
    01:00 AM01:00
    02:00 AM02:00
    03:00 AM03:00
    04:00 AM04:00
    05:00 AM05:00
    06:00 AM06:00
    07:00 AM07:00
    08:00 AM08:00
    09:00 AM09:00
    10:00 AM10:00
    11:00 AM11:00
    12:00 PM12:00
    01:00 PM13:00
    02:00 PM14:00
    03:00 PM15:00
    04:00 PM16:00
    05:00 PM17:00
    06:00 PM18:00
    07:00 PM19:00
    08:00 PM20:00
    09:00 PM21:00
    10:00 PM22:00
    11:00 PM23:00

    Chế độ 12 giờ

    Một ngày được chia thành hai khoảng thời gian 12 giờ, từ nửa đêm đến trưa (giờ buổi sáng) và từ trưa đến nửa đêm (giờ chiều).

    Viết tắt AM và PM từ tiếng Latinh:

    • Buổi sáng: Dòng buổi trưa Antko, trước buổi trưa
    • Buổi chiều: Sau khi kinh nguyệt, sau buổi trưa

    Chế độ 24 giờ

    Một ngày từ nửa đêm đến nửa đêm, được chia thành 24 giờ từ 0 (nửa đêm) đến 23. Kể từ nửa đêm, thời gian được hiển thị theo giờ và phút.

    Chuyển đổi từ chế độ 12 giờ sang chế độ 24 giờ

    Bắt đầu từ giờ đầu tiên trong ngày (12:00 sáng hoặc nửa đêm đến 12:59 sáng), trừ 12 giờ:

    • 12:00 sáng = 0:00 sáng
    • 12:15 sáng = 0:15 sáng

    Từ 1:00 AM đến 12:59 PM, giờ và phút vẫn giữ nguyên:

    • 9:00 sáng = 9:00 sáng
    • 12:59 tối = 12:59

    Đối với thời gian từ 1:00 chiều đến 11:59 tối, hãy thêm 12 giờ:

    • 3:17 chiều = 15:17
    • 11:59 tối = 23:59

    Chuyển đổi từ chế độ 24 giờ sang chế độ 12 giờ

    Bắt đầu từ giờ đầu tiên trong ngày (0:00/nửa đêm đến 0:59), thêm 12 giờ và AM vào thời gian:

    • 0:30 = 12:30 sáng
    • 0:55 = 12:55 AM

    Từ 1:00 đến 11:59, chỉ cần thêm AM vào thời gian:

    • 2:25 = 2:25 SÁNG
    • 9:30 sáng = 9:30 sáng

    Đối với thời gian từ 12:00 đến 12:59, chỉ cần thêm PM vào thời gian:

    • 12:15 = 12:15 trưa
    • 12:48 = 12:48 chiều

    Đối với thời gian từ 13:00 đến 23:59, trừ 12 giờ và thêm PM vào thời gian:

    • 16:55 = 4:55 chiều
    • 21:45 = 9:45 tối
  • 11 Telling the time

    显示时间有两种主要方法。首先是使用 AMPM12 小时制,然后是 24 小时制

    大多数国家更喜欢 24 小时制方法,但 12 小时制在拉丁美洲和英语国家广泛使用。在 12 小时制方法中,每天两次在午夜 (AM) 和中午 (PM) 为 12:00。

    下表显示了 12 小时制和 24 小时制系统之间的转换:

    12:00 AM00:00
    01:00 AM01:00
    02:00 AM02:00
    03:00 AM03:00
    04:00 AM04:00
    05:00 AM05:00
    06:00 AM06:00
    07:00 AM07:00
    08:00 AM08:00
    09:00 AM09:00
    10:00 AM10:00
    11:00 AM11:00
    12:00 PM12:00
    01:00 PM13:00
    02:00 PM14:00
    03:00 PM15:00
    04:00 PM16:00
    05:00 PM17:00
    06:00 PM18:00
    07:00 PM19:00
    08:00 PM20:00
    09:00 PM21:00
    10:00 PM22:00
    11:00 PM23:00


    一天分为两个 12 小时时段,从午夜到中午(上午时间)和中午到午夜(下午时间)。


    1. 上午:安特子午线,中午前
    2. 下午:后,中午后



    从 12 小时制转换为 24 小时制

    从一天中的第一个小时(上午 12:00 或午夜到凌晨 12:59)开始,减去 12 小时:

    • 上午 12:00 = 0:00
    • 上午 12:15 = 0:15

    从 1:00 AM 到 12:59 PM,小时和分钟保持不变:

    • 上午 9:00 = 9:00
    • 下午 12:59 = 12:59

    对于下午 1:00 到晚上 11:59 之间的时间,请添加 12 小时:

    • 下午 3:17 = 15:17
    • 晚上 11:59 = 23:59

    从 24 小时制转换为 12 小时制


    • 0:30 = 12:30 AM
    • 0:55 = 12:55 AM

    从 1:00 到 11:59,只需将 AM 添加到时间:

    • 2:25 = 2:25 AM
    • 上午 9:30 = 9:30

    对于 12:00 到 12:59 之间的时间,只需在时间中添加 PM:

    • 12:15 = 12:15 PM
    • 12:48 = 下午 12:48

    对于 13:00 到 23:59 之间的时间,减去 12 小时并将 PM 添加到时间中:

    • 16:55 = 下午 4:55
    • 21:45 = 晚上 9:45
  • 11 Telling the time

    There are two primary methods of showing the time. First there’s the 12 hour clock that uses AM and PM, and then there’s the 24 hour clock.

    Most countries prefer the 24 hour clock method, but the 12 hour clock is widely used in Latin America and English-speaking countries. In the 12 hour clock method, it is 12:00 twice a day at midnight (AM) and noon (PM).

    The table below shows the conversion between the 12 hour and 24 hour clock systems:

    12:00 AM00:00
    01:00 AM01:00
    02:00 AM02:00
    03:00 AM03:00
    04:00 AM04:00
    05:00 AM05:00
    06:00 AM06:00
    07:00 AM07:00
    08:00 AM08:00
    09:00 AM09:00
    10:00 AM10:00
    11:00 AM11:00
    12:00 PM12:00
    01:00 PM13:00
    02:00 PM14:00
    03:00 PM15:00
    04:00 PM16:00
    05:00 PM17:00
    06:00 PM18:00
    07:00 PM19:00
    08:00 PM20:00
    09:00 PM21:00
    10:00 PM22:00
    11:00 PM23:00

    12 Hour Clock

    The day is split into two 12 hour periods running from midnight to noon (AM hours), and noon to midnight (PM hours).

    The abbreviations AM and PM are from Latin:

    • AM: ante meridiem, before midday
    • PM: post meridiem, after midday

    24 Hour Clock

    The day runs from midnight to midnight and is divided into 24 hours from 0 (midnight) to 23. Time is shown in hours and minutes since midnight.

    Converting from a 12 Hour to a 24 Hour Clock

    Starting from the first hour of the day (12:00 AM or midnight to 12:59 AM), subtract 12 hours:

    • 12:00 AM = 0:00
    • 12:15 AM = 0:15

    From 1:00 AM to 12:59 PM, the hours and minutes remain the same:

    • 9:00 AM = 9:00
    • 12:59 PM = 12:59

    For times between 1:00 PM to 11:59 PM, add 12 hours:

    • 3:17 PM = 15:17
    • 11:59 PM = 23:59

    Converting from a 24 Hour to a 12 Hour Clock

    Starting from the first hour of the day (0:00 / midnight to 0:59), add 12 hours and AM to the time:

    • 0:30 = 12:30 AM
    • 0:55 = 12:55 AM

    From 1:00 to 11:59, simply add AM to the time:

    • 2:25 = 2:25 AM
    • 9:30 = 9:30 AM

    For times between 12:00 to 12:59, just add PM to the time:

    • 12:15 = 12:15 PM
    • 12:48 = 12:48 PM

    For times between 13:00 to 23:59, subtract 12 hours and add PM to the time:

    • 16:55 = 4:55 PM
    • 21:45 = 9:45 PM
  • 02 List of countries in alphabetical order

    List of countries in alphabetical order:

    1. Afghanistan
    2. Argentina
    3. Australia
    4. Bangladesh
    5. Belgium
    6. Bhutan
    7. Brazil
    8. Brunei Darussalam
    9. Cambodia
    10. Canada
    11. China
    12. Colombia
    13. Cuba
    14. Cyprus
    15. Denmark
    16. Egypt
    17. Fiji
    18. Finland
    19. France
    20. Germany
    21. Greece
    22. Hungary
    23. Iceland
    24. India
    25. Indonesia
    26. Iran
    27. Iraq
    28. Ireland
    29. Israel
    30. Italy
    31. Jamaica
    32. Japan
    33. Jordan
    34. Kenya
    35. Kuwait
    36. Laos
    37. Lebanon
    38. Libya
    39. Malaysia 
    40. Maldives
    41. Mauritius
    42. Mexico
    43. Mongolia
    44. Myanmar
    45. Nepal
    46. Netherlands 
    47. New Zealand
    48. Norway
    49. Pakistan
    50. Palestine
    51. Papua New Guinea
    52. Peru
    53. Philippines
    54. Poland
    55. Portugal
    56. Qatar
    57. Romania
    58. Russia
    59. Rwanda
    60. Saudi Arabia
    61. Singapore
    62. South Africa
    63. South Korea
    64. Spain
    65. Sri Lanka
    66. Sweden
    67. Switzerland
    68. Syria
    69. Taiwan (Republic of China)
    70. Thailand
    71. Timor-Leste (East Timor)
    72. Turkey
    73. Uganda
    74. Ukraine
    75. United Arab Emirates (UAE)
    76. United Kingdom (UK) 
    77. United States of America (USA)
    78. Vatican City
    79. Vietnam

  • 01 Introducing Yourself

    A dialogue on introducing oneself. Here’s an example:

    Person 1: Hi, my name is John. What’s your name?

    Person 2: Hi John, I’m Sarah.

    Person 1: Nice to meet you, Sarah. What do you do for a living?

    Person 2: I work as a software engineer at XYZ Inc. How about you?

    Person 1: I’m a freelance writer and also work part-time at ABC Company.

    Person 2: That’s interesting. What kind of writing do you do?

    Person 1: Mostly content writing for websites and blogs. How about you? What kind of software do you develop?

    Person 2: I specialize in developing mobile applications for Android and iOS platforms.

    Person 1: That’s impressive. It was nice meeting you, Sarah.

    Person 2: Likewise, John. Have a great day!

  • English For Everyone (L1)

    Note: Course content subject to changes. Available course content in clickable links. Translation may not be correct.

    Course Content

    • 01 Introducing yourself
    • 02 Vocabulary – Countries
    • 03 Talking about yourself
    • 04 Vocabulary – Family and pets
    • 05 Things you have
    • 06 Using apostrophes
    • 07 Vocabulary – Everyday things
    • 08 Talking about your things
    • 09 Vocabulary – Jobs
    • 10 Talking about your job
    • 11 Telling the time
    • 12 Vocabulary – Daily routines
    • 13 Describing your day
    • 14 Describing your week
    • 15 Negatives with “to be”
    • 16 More negatives
    • 17 Simple questions
    • 18 Answering questions
    • 19 Asking questions
    • 20 Vocabulary – Around town
    • 21 Talking about your town
    • 22 Using “a” and “the”
    • 23 Orders and directions
    • 24 Joinging sentences
    • 25 Describing places
    • 26 Giving reasons
    • 27 Vocabulary – Around the house
    • 28 The things I have
    • 29 What do you have?
    • 30 Vocabulary – Food and drink
    • 31 Counting
    • 32 Measuring
    • 33 Vocabulary – Clothes
    • 34 At the shops
    • 35 Describing things
    • 36 Vocabulary – Sports
    • 37 Talking about sports
    • 38 Vocabulary – Hobbies and passtimes
    • 39 Free time
    • 40 Likes and Dislikes
    • 41 Vocabulary – Music
    • 42 Expressing preference
    • 43 Vocabulary – Abilities
    • 44 What you can and can’t do
    • 45 Describing actions
    • 46 Describing ability
    • 47 Wishes and desires
    • 48 Studying

  • Sample Post 03

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